Poker Range Calculator

Free Online Poker Hand Range Calculator

Poker Range Calculator

The Poker Hand Range Calculator calculates Texas Hold'em hand ranges from percentage values and vice-versa. All this online and free. Setup a poker range by selecting the hands in the poker hand calculator and share the link which is automatically generated for you.

What is a Poker Hand Range? It's a set of hands your opponent is likely to have.

How to identify what hands your opponent has? Our calculator combined with the statistics gathered of your opponent(s) will help your to get an idea what poker hands they might have.

Questions? Refer to our Poker Hand Calculator FAQ page.

Poker Hand Range Calculator

Hand grid
AA AKs AQs AJs ATs A9s A8s A7s A6s A5s A4s A3s A2s
AKo KK KQs KJs KTs K9s K8s K7s K6s K5s K4s K3s K2s
AQo KQo QQ QJs QTs Q9s Q8s Q7s Q6s Q5s Q4s Q3s Q2s
AJo KJo QJo JJ JTs J9s J8s J7s J6s J5s J4s J3s J2s
ATo KTo QTo JTo TT T9s T8s T7s T6s T5s T4s T3s T2s
A9o K9o Q9o J9o T9o 99 98s 97s 96s 95s 94s 93s 92s
A8o K8o Q8o J8o T8o 98o 88 87s 86s 85s 84s 83s 82s
A7o K7o Q7o J7o T7o 97o 87o 77 76s 75s 74s 73s 72s
A6o K6o Q6o J6o T6o 96o 86o 76o 66 65s 64s 63s 62s
A5o K5o Q5o J5o T5o 95o 85o 75o 65o 55 54s 53s 52s
A4o K4o Q4o J4o T4o 94o 84o 74o 64o 54o 44 43s 42s
A3o K3o Q3o J3o T3o 93o 83o 73o 63o 53o 43o 33 32s
A2o K2o Q2o J2o T2o 92o 82o 72o 62o 52o 42o 32o 22
Calculate range

Range: 0 to %



Options - Number of opponents

Calculate range for 1 2 3 opponent(s)

Hands selected

Poker Hand Calculator For Poker Ranges

To fully utilize the poker hand calculator, follow the steps below:

  • 1. You obviously need a poker room to play.

  • 2. So, now you're playing at one of the poker rooms. You also have our range calculator available. You may have an idea how of the range of your opponents. But how to keep track of all opponents' PFR, VPIP, etc? Here come tracker software like Poker Tracker or Holdem Manager into the picture. They keeps track of your opponents' play and shows the most important statistics of a player while playing.

  • 3. Ok, now you're using a tracker software with a HUD, and see that your opponent is re-raising (4-bet) 4% of his hands. But what is exactly 4%? Is TT in it? Simply use our range calculator to get an idea of his range. Although - with one million simulations per hand - the calculator's results are reliable, always keep in mind that there are other factors to take into account: your image shown at the table, the last hands played, etc. You will see that combining HM and our calculator makes you play poker much more profitable. The Poker Hand Range calculator will help you to make the best poker reads - you will most likely be able to read you opponents' poker tells. Just enter a percent value and hit calculate. The tool will show the hand range for the given percent value.

  • 4. Enjoy more profitable poker!